Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

For a well-deserved break from one’s hectic schedule or from a fitness point of view, members can plunge into our well maintained swimming pool and feel refreshed. The clear waters are also a favourite area for family members and children.

The swimming pool section is well equipped with changing rooms and showers.

Club also conducts annual Summer Coaching camps for the benefit of its members and families, which is well appreciated and participated in good numbers.


Usage Timings:

Morning Session: 07.00 AM to 12 Noon

Evening Session: 03.00 PM to 08.30 PM However between 7pm – 8pm, it is exclusively only for Ladies On Tuesdays, the pool is closed for weekly maintenance work.


For members –Monthly @Rs. 250/-+ applicable taxes.


  • Before using the Swimming Pool each individual member must sign in the attendance register with the Pool Attendant.  The member should produce his/her Club ID card whenever asked for.
  • Swimming is allowed only in proper Swimming costume including Swimming Caps for Ladies/Girls.
  • Every Swimmer must carry his / her towel, comb etc. No transparent suits are permitted.
  • Finger / Toe Nails should be properly cut and cleaned. Use of Oil / Greasy lubricants on the body before entering the pool is strictly prohibited.
  •  Pets are not allowed near the Pool. No Games are permitted in the Pool.
  • The Club will take care of all reasonable safety aspects but still Swimming is one’s personal risk. Every Swimmer should know his / her limitations, exceeding this will result in unforeseen problems.Club or its staff is not responsible for any injury (external / internal).
  • Smoking / Drinking / eating in and around the Pool and in the Dressing Room are strictly prohibited.   No one is allowed to swim after consuming alcohol.Please note that there is no F & B service at the poolside.
  • Please do not swim if you are not well. Persons having wounds, epilepsy, heart diseases etc. are requested not to enter the pool.
  • First Time Swimmers are requested to inform the Pool Attendant before entering the shallow portion of the Pool. No beginner should swim in the deep area of the pool.
  • The Club is not responsible for loss / damage to your personal valuables or belongings.
  • Any one causing any damages to the Pool or any other club property will have to fully reimburse the costs. Persons found violating the rules will be asked to vacate the premises and face disciplinary action.
  • Pool area is to be kept clean. Litter around the Pool is strictly forbidden.Neither should it be used to wash hands and legs etc.
  • Timings to be strictly adhered to and no exceptions will be allowed.
  • Suggestions or complaints should be in writing in the Register kept with Reception with member’s name and membership number. No oral complaints shall be entertained.
  • Every swimmer must have a shower before entering the pool.