Squash Court

Squash Court

Squash Court

Domlur Club is one of the very few clubs providing with Squash Court facilities in Bangalore. The club has one wooden squash court accessible to all the members and their guests at different fees.

Usage Timings:

Morning Session: 06.30 AM to 12.30 PM

Evening Session:  03.30 PM to 08.30 PM


For members – Monthly Subscription @Rs. 200/- plus applicable taxes.

For Guests – Hourly @Rs.100/- plus taxes.


  • Members /Dependents/Guests are required to sign in the Register placed at the Reception before start of play.
  • Members /Dependents are requested to carry their Club Identity cards, and produce them when required.
  • Members opting to play Squash shall be charged applicable Monthly Subscription fees along with taxes. Management reserves the right to change/alter the structure of Monthly Subscription Fees from time to time at its discretion.
  • Guests of Members are permitted to play by remitting the requisite Guest player fees and with the Member also accompanying them
  • Members and guests must carry their own equipment.
  • Dependent Members are not allowed to bring Guests.
  • Only predominantly Non-Marking indoor Shoes with White Sole will be permitted to be worn while using the Courts.Running Shoes, shoes with Black Soles or other types of footwear deemed not suitable will not be permitted.  All players must wear appropriate sports attire namely Sports T-Shirts,Shorts / Track Pants.
  • Consumption of Food & beverages or Smoking inside the Court is strictly prohibited.
  • Any damage caused to the court or any of the accessories thereof or any other equipment or club property the member will have to fully reimburse the costs.
  • All players are required to co-operate and abide to all the rules of the club.Persons found violating rules will be asked to vacate the court & will have to face disciplinary action.